Caesarea, Acre and Rosh Hanikra Tour


1 Day

Tour Type

Daily Tour

Group Size

min 2 people




This tour to the incredible coastal cities of Caesarea, Rosh HaNikra, Haifa, and Acre starts as we travel north of Tel Aviv along the coastal road. We pass the beach resort cities of Herzilya and Natanya then arrive in Caesarea. Our Caesarea tour takes us through the remains of Caesarea Maritima, an ancient Roman city constructed by Herod, King of Judea in about 25-13 BC.

The port city had a theater, hippodrome, temples, palaces, and other structures. Many have been excavated and preserved. The theater is still used today for performances by leading artists. Later Caesarea became a Byzantine capital. Then the Crusaders established a city here surrounded by massive fortified walls.

Continuing on our tour we pass through Haifa, Israel’s third-largest city built on the slope of Mount Carmel facing the sea. The Haifa tour stops at the Baha’i Gardens where 19 terraces flow down Mt. Carmel. The terraces are planted with geometric precision and adorned with flowers, fountains, and statues. At the center of the garden is the Shrine of Bab. Your tour guide will tell you about the Baha’i, their beliefs, and the significance of the gardens.

Next, the tour reaches the extreme northern border where Israel meets Lebanon and the sea crashes against the white cliffs of Rosh HaNikra. Over millennia nature has hollowed out a labyrinth of tunnels and caves in the rock. The reflection of the white rock onto the blue water creates a magical turquoise color. Once the caves were only accessible from the water but today tourists can take a cable car down to the caves.

As the tour makes its way south on our return journey we stop in the Crusader City of Acre (Acco). Above ground, there is a lively Ottoman-era city with a busy market and fishing harbor. Beneath the surface is a complete Crusader city built in the 12th century. See fortified walls and a moat that even Napoleon was not able to overcome. Tour the Crusader remains the Turkish citadel and see sites used during the British Mandate. The tour leaves Acre and returns south along the coast. 


Hotel pick-up and drop-off service
A fully qualified and licensed tour guide
Transport by air-conditioned vehicle
Entrance fees
Food and drinks


Travel Styles



What is a Daily Tour/ Day Tour?
A day tour is a regular tour that we operate on specific weekdays. Tours depart from Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Herzliya and Netanya. You have the option to upgrade your tour and ensure for yourself a place in a small group (up to 19 people). The tour duration from pickup time is approximately 10 hours. You will be picked up from your hotel, and after the tour, you will be returned to your hotel.
What languages are the tours given in?
Almost all of our daily tours are operated primarily in English, in addition to a second language: Or Spanish, or Russian, or German and or French. You can choose the preferred language of the tour when booking. You can view the tour schedule, as well as the second language schedule in order to make your best suited choice.
How can I choose the tour language?
When booking your tour, you will need to mark which language you’d like the tour to be in. Note that for certain tours in certain languages, the price may be higher
What’s the difference between a Small Group and a Large Group?
A regular group travels in a coach that comfortably transports up to 45 people. A small group travels in a minivan that seats 22 people. Other than that, the tours are identical.
Where can I be picked up from?
Our tours leave from Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Netanya and Herzliya. We pick up our travelers from most of the hotels in these cities. If you are staying at a private residence address, please choose the closest pick up hotel to your apartment or contact our office to be advised where to wait.
Can I bring my luggage on the tour?
You can bring your luggage with you and we’ll store it in the trunk of the vehicle during the tour. However, please be aware that we don’t take any responsibility for any damage or loss. Recommended to advise us that you are travelling with luggage.
Do I need to change money for use on the trip?
Yes, but not too much. We definitely recommend bringing some local currency with you to pay for lunch and anything you may wish to; purchase along the way.
Can I get dropped off in a city different from my pick up location?
It is possible to have pick ups/ drop offs in different cities. However, we do not disperse to specific drop off locations. The expenses to get from the drop off location to your final destination won't be covered by Bein Harim.
from $210 $194

Extra prices:

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Monday English -
Tuesday English - Español
Wednesday Not available
Thursday English - Español
Friday English -
Saturday Not available
Sunday English -
$210 $194